小小潇荷 发表于 2015-4-29 00:41:00


  刚得到的可靠消息,知名机构格林卫Greenlion 在尼泊尔开设了灾后重建项目。本人得到的关于尼泊尔格林卫的资料如下:
“Extraordinary times call for extraordinary actions by extraordinary people!” The past few
days have been trying times for all at the Green Lion Nepal and it’s been a tremendous
challenge to help the local community around us with outstretched arms.
Our Green Lion Center is in great shape and all the volunteers are accommodated here. All
the necessary resources are in full supply. We appreciate the strength, commitment and
enthusiasm shown by the volunteers and The Green Lion Nepal in dealing with this
natural disaster.
All the volunteers and TGL staff as one strong team marched out together into the most
effected areas of Kathmandu and joined hands to distribute food, medicine, water and
other necessary resources to effected communities, especially the children at the project
It is hard to put all this in words, the pictures below may give you a better idea.
A big hug and sincere thanks to all our partners for the wonderful support and lovely
energy that you have shared with us.

他们的官网是:www.greenwaychina.org 可能现在他们还没有更新网站,可以先了解一下这个机构和他们的项目。关于灾后重建的事情也可以问我,我尽量帮你们。 QQ1917825955

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查看完整版本: 刚得到的重要消息:如果你想为尼泊尔灾后重建做点事